CHE BELLO resolves…

December 30, 2009 at 1:01 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , )

I’ve never been much for New Year’s resolutions. I think it has something to do with this being the first year that I’ve felt I’m fully in control of where I end up and what I become. Which is a good thing, I suppose, but also a rather daunting responsibility. BUT, it’s a New Year and, while I don’t necessarily want a new me, there are some things I’d like to see happen in 2010.

I will,
1. Run two half-marathons. I’m currently mulling over doing one on January 16th, even though my plan was for one in early spring and one in late fall. I’ve been pushing my mileage lately and think at this point I could run 10 or so miles pretty comfortably. Regardless, I’ll get two under my belt this year, and am still pushing for my first marathon in spring 2011.
2. Be better at keeping in touch with friends. It’s so easy to lose track of people when I stretch myself as thinly as I do, but I really must do a better job of this. I think having lots of new bloggy friends is helping in that department, even if our interactions are not yet very deep.
3. Write more poetry. I think this will be achieved in the poetry class I’m taking this coming semester, but regardless, I need to focus more energy on being creative in outlets other than theatre, which, though I love it, is getting rather exhausting as I enter my third (and final) semester of leadership in the company.
4. Wait tables again. I know a lot of people dread navigating angry diners, but I rather enjoyed my stint as a Coke refill bitch and would like to return to my former state of obesity enablement. Not to mention that I made a killing in tips from winking at the obviously gay guys.
5. Knit a hat, a tie, and a sweater. I picked up knitting for about a week six months ago, but then promptly had all my free time sucked away by the show I was directing. Since I got promoted to a job that doesn’t require me to be at rehearsal every night, I picked up my needles again on Dec. 27th, and am getting really excited at the progress I’m making. Progress that I’d like to see continue throughout the new year.
6. Be content. This is a transformation that I’ve noticed in myself recently and, although it’s very unlike me, I think I like where it’s going. I’ve spent a lot of time in my life forcing things into being what I want them to be. Organizations, relationships, family ties, career choices; everything has been a game of pushing and molding and shaping. But what I’ve learned is that things that are unnaturally shaped don’t last very long. If you push a relationship to be something it isn’t supposed to be, someone is going to get hurt. (Thanks MamaMush for helping me develop my thoughts on these kinds of things.) So, as difficult as it is for me, I’m letting things progress naturally, not broadcasting my feelings to the entire world, and just being happy. It’s highly uncharacteristic as I generally don’t mind delving into emotional matters, even very soon after feelings develop, but I think it’s a good thing to be a little more subdued, a little more contemplative until things build themselves up the way they will (or won’t, but it’s natural). So, yes to sitting back and letting things happen.

We’ll check back for a 2010 retrospective this time next year, assuming I’m not on one of my oh-so-frequent unintentional blogging hiatuses (hiati?).

Blah blah blah and auld lang syne, everyone!

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